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Cafe Coffee Day

We created a festive box packaging for Cafe Coffee Day’s Plum Cakes, aligning with the Christmas theme, to enhance the holiday experience for Cafe Coffee Day customers.

The objective was to evoke a sense of warmth and celebration through the design, boosting sales and brand recognition during the Christmas season.


Cafe Coffee Day


Coffee Shop
Box Packaging Design

Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging
Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging
Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging

We created two design directions for their Plum Cakes box packaging, associating them with the holiday season and the quintessential coffee cup.

Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging
Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging
Cafe Coffee Day Plum Box Packaging

Strategy & Creative Direction: Shriya Seshadri
Lead Graphic Designer: Shriya Seshadri
Graphic Designer: Ayushi Ujjainiya
Photographer: Shriya Seshadri

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