• Visual Identity • Packaging • Photography • Videography • Social Media & Content • Copywriting • Visual Identity

Brut Appétit

Brut Appétit’s goal is to inspire more people to eat healthily and to eat their superfoods! Their range of nut butters are antioxidant-packed, made with a mix of 9 nuts and seeds and infused with superfoods.

Our goal was to make their branding, packaging, social media & photography fun, playful, and attractive! We did this by using bold typography and wordplay to highlight elements of the brand and packaging. 


Brut Appétit


Food & Beverages
Visual Identity, Branding, Packaging, Photography, Videography,
Social Media & Content & Copywriting

Our Take on the Branding, Packaging & Visual Identity

We created the branding, packaging, and visual identity for Brut Appétit to transform how people see nut butter. Instead of its usual unhealthy image, we wanted to make it a health-conscious, attractive, and unique option.

Introducing ‘Super Butter,’ a nut butter made from superfoods, the design features bold colours and striking visuals in a pop-art style. This ensures it stands out on the shelf and grabs attention instantly.

The name ‘Super Butter’ subtly emphasizes the nutritious aspect, and each flavour adds a playful twist with word-play and puns. Overall, we aimed for a lively and youthful vibe to make healthy eating a vibrant and enjoyable choice for consumers.

📸 Branding, Packaging & Photography

We kept the branding, packaging, and photography bright and bold to achieve the desired brand tone.

🤳🏽 Social Media Content Creation

Monthly content creation across graphics, photos, and reels.

We crafted their recipe card and box packaging for unforgettable bites!

We harnessed the brand’s visual assets to create an immersive recipe card and box packaging. These designs not only feature delectable recipes but also vividly narrate the brand’s unique story, ensuring each interaction with Brut Appetit is a memorable experience.

Strategy & Creative Direction: Shriya Seshadri
Lead Graphic Designer: Shriya Seshadri
Graphic Designers: Ayushi Ujjainiya,
Esha Waghdhare
Photographer: Shakunthala Laxmi
UGC Content Creator: Sumiran Jain

Our Team

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